Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chad Michael Murray.
One Tree Hill goodness.
His hotness went out the door with his marriage.
Doucheness just isn't appealing.
He is gorgeous though.

Mr. Titanic.
I don't really find him that attractive now.
I had a poster of Leonardo DiCaprio on my wall.
I'd kiss it everyday.
How silly.
Angel; or David Boreanez.
I loved Buffy & Angel.
I currently love Bones.
This man is just beautiful.
The cheating, hooker scandal kind of killed it.

I was so in love with Freddie Prinze Jr.
He is still just such a gorgeous man.
Any movie he was in, I had.
I still do. (VHS!)
His movies are some of my favorites and I still love them.
I think it's so funny that his Dad was my Mom's crush.

I took my niece to see Gnomeo & Juliet.
I needed to get out of the house without my son.
Simple solution; switch kids.
Mom watched Lucian while I babysat Madi for her.
I took her to the theater and to Joe's Crab Shack.
I may have to go out with a 4 year old but staying in all the time kills me.

Lucian is still being a little toot due to the move.
It's so upsetting to see him behave like that.
I know he is just acting out because he misses Dada but it's not my baby boy.
He misses daycare & I refuse to put him in a non-military daycare.
I just don't trust it.

I miss our life in Wyoming to but it just wasn't meant for us.
I know that together we can & will get through this.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Take Me To The Movies

I never get to go to the actual theater anymore.
Having a 17 month old prevents you from doing a lot of things.
It also opens you up to being a kid again which is a ton of fun.
This kid is my world.
With all the things going on between Frankie & I, he is my hold on sanity.
Living with your parents at the age of 21 after having your own house is hard.
My Mom is so in your face 24/7.
It can be a bit much at times.
I just want my life.
So i'm gonna have to make it.

I wanna see:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Long time; no type.

Well gosh I haven't been on here in forever.
I haven't had internet at my Mom & Dad's house.

So Frankie & I are having a baby.
It's a boy :D
He is due September 24, 2009
& I couldn't be happier about him!
Now this whole being at my Mom & Dads..
I could so be back in Wyoming right now.
They're lucky I'm sharing my baby!!
The end for now.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas doesn't feel like anything this year.
<--Although we did get an amazing present
<--------------Look at him! Our new nephew Ibzan Elijah Duran. Yay. So I now have six of them! He was born yesterday and I cannot wait to meet the little booger. I got presents for my whole family. Except my brother. Hes stolen enough of my money. I just don't understand it. After all my family does for him he steals my shit. Whatever. I have no need for that. I'm excited to see my mom and dad. I have to meet my brothers new girlfriend. hmm on that one. I'm excited to see my Emolee whore! yay. Tomorrow I will pack for Texas and clean my house. Frankie was thinking maybe Michael can come stay with me while he is in Iraq for four months. I really don't want to be by myself. Okay I'm going to go play guitar hero with my whiney husband.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You know whats really annoying.
Little Girls texting my husband at midnight.
Its really starting to piss me off.
My kidney infection has not gone away,
I think the pills are making it worse.
Maybe I'm crazy.
I threw up yesterday at work
and left within the first 20 minutes of being there.
I have to get ready for work soon.
I really do wish I had a better paying job.
People who have been there twenty years
Only get 10.00 an hour.
There are ladies at my job who have oxygen tanks.
Crazyness sir!
I am officially cought up on True Blood!
I've been watching two episodes a night
on a website.
: ]
I love Bill and Sookie.
There really is something very sexy about how they play their roles.

Friday, December 5, 2008

True Blood.

I've been watching the marathons.

I really like it :]
They really do show a lot of nudity though.
I also love Crossing Jordan.
I used to watch that show so much.
Now I just watch re-runs.
I'm going to look for a new job,
Maybe a waitressing job in the day.
I could still work at Walmart at night.
I just think I work way to much.
As a waitress I would make more money.
&& on a daily basis.
We'll see.